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Briana Hernandez
2 min read
6 Steps to Making a Content Marketing Strategy that Will Boost Your Business
You may have heard that content is king in this digitally connected age. And it's the truth!

Briana Hernandez
2 min read
Basic Facebook Networking Tips
There are countless ways that entrepreneurs can reach like-minded business owners, coaches and clients through Facebook.

Briana Hernandez
2 min read
Two Quick Tips to Make Your Brand Trustworthy
The days of distant, cold-hearted marketing are gone. Marketing isn't just about conveying information anymore.

Briana Hernandez
2 min read
Managing Your Marketing Campaign From Home
Your employees are suddenly juggling homeschooling, full-time work and more. How do you ensure your team is still able to work together?

Briana Hernandez
2 min read
Separate Your Brands Online
It can be tempting to have all your brands represented on one site or share a social media account. Bad idea!

Briana Hernandez
3 min read
Vimeo - Just Another YouTube?
Although a popular site that you've likely heard of, most Americans don't use Vimeo nearly as much as YouTube. Why is that?

Briana Hernandez
2 min read
Top 3 Social Media Apps of 2019
As we finish out the year decade, we're going to take a look at the three apps that dominated 2019, and what made them so popular.

Briana Hernandez
3 min read
Is Snapchat Still Popular?
As other platforms dominate social media, marketers might be wondering if they should include SnapChat in their plan.

Briana Hernandez
3 min read
Why Did Google+ Shut Down?
What went wrong with Google Plus? What caused its downfall?

Briana Hernandez
3 min read
What is TikTok?
As this video-sharing website gets more and more popular, it seems that everyone is asking this question...

Briana Hernandez
3 min read
Reddit Advertising: Your Company's Secret Weapon
Don't know much about Reddit? Let's fix that! We're going to take a look at why your company should be advertising on there!

Briana Hernandez
4 min read
Facebook 201
Let's take another look at what Facebook offers to help out businesses!

Briana Hernandez
3 min read
Facebook 101
Facebook has long established itself as a must-use website for companies big and small. Time to master its uses!

Briana Hernandez
3 min read
Twitter 201
This week we're going to get into the real nitty gritty of advertising your business on Twitter!

Briana Hernandez
4 min read
Twitter 101
Twitter is a very complex platform that is used by companies, social media influencers and average Joes alike.

Briana Hernandez
3 min read
Think You Don't Need a LinkedIn? Think Again!
Do you need a LinkedIn page? The answer is almost always yes!

Briana Hernandez
3 min read
Just How Many Social Media Accounts Do You Need?
It's tempting to have your company be active on every social media platform you find, but do you really need to sign up for all of them?

Briana Hernandez
2 min read
Instagram is Nothing Like Twitter!
Think Instagram is just like Twitter, but with more pictures? Think again!

Briana Hernandez
3 min read
Hashtag Overload - the Silent Killer
Using too many hashtags can lead to less brand exposure, not more.
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